Build customer trust via Opt-in APIs

Get consent for sending messages and start conversing with your customers


Opt-in APIs drive consumer opt-in collection before communicating via WhatsApp and other messaging channels using SMS, Missed call, Website, In-App notifications, IVR, email, or via WhatsApp threads

How Opt-in APIs work to get you customer content

  • WhatsApp User-Initiated Messages

    WhatsApp User-Initiated Messages

    Reply to user messages with keywords like ‘Start’ or ‘Opt-in’ to consider user consent

  • Your Website

    Your Website

    Invite new and existing customers to your website to receive messages over WhatsApp

  • In-App Notifications/ Purchase Journeys

    In-App Notifications/ Purchase Journeys

    Capture opt-in at key moments in a purchase journey include a checkbox where the customer would enter their phone number while entering delivery information

  • SMS/Email/IVR


    Are often used to send out transactional and informational notifications. Enable opt-in for your business for each of these channels


  • Build trust with your customers. Get their consent

  • Communicate confidently without the fear of getting blacklisted by the channel or penalised by the authorities

  • Use your existing channels of communication to get messaging consent

  • A comprehensive set of options to get opt-ins - SMS, QR codes, CTA on the website, WhatsApp interface, email, links, print, IVR, User Initiated Messages, Checkbox and more

  • Integrate consent into the buying journey - capture opt-in as they check-out or transact